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Srishti Wadhwa


Hi! I am Srishti, currently a senior in high school. I am an author, blogger and an artist too. I even have a podcast of mine named What It's Like Being A Mediocre. I do all these things with the motive of helping out people. I think motivating people is my life now, I love giving back to the society in any means possible. And my non-profit is based on the idea of giving out life advices to people and spreading positivity in general.


Kasturi Mazumeder


Hi! I am Kasturi Mazumder, an undergraduate student from Delhi University, currently pursuing Psychology and English. Writing has been my forte for the longest time and I believe it is one such talent which I can use to induce change for the better. Dreamers, as a platform, has given me the opportunity to do exactly so as it allows me to pursue my passion of writing as a medium of spreading vital information. My work has previously been published in a book alongside revered authors like Ruskin Bond and Arundhati Roy amongst many others, and my articles have been featured in multiple blogs as well. I hope that my writing connects with you and is beneficial in one way or another.


Suyashi Singh


Hey everyone, My name is Suyashi Singh. I am a fourth year law graduate. Joining dreamers as a Content head is my way of helping out people to get past some phases in their life, which make them mentally and physically weak. I am somebody who loves to hear others and help them out so I am here all ears to you and your issues. Dreamers is a great platform for people from every genre, we are your safe space


Tulika Singh


Hey everyone! I am a third year Political Science student. I am extremely passionate about social work and debating which is why human interaction is something I can’t live without. Dreamers has given me the opportunity to engage and work with amazing people and bring out the best in us. Social service is sometimes mistaken as working for the lower strata in fact helping anyone with regards to any functioning should be idealised as social work. One should focus on not just doing good but feeling good about their work as well. Keep spreading happiness :)

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Agrima Kushwaha


Hello! I am Agrima , a student in high school and a creative Content Creator and Graphic Designer. I love helping people not only through my skills but also by just being there for them and supporting them. Dreamers is a great platform to work with, as it give me satisfaction of doing something good for people and peace of mind. I believe mental peace and actual happiness is all that matters at the end of the day.

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Rewati Banka


Hello! I am Rewati , an artist and a Graphic Designer. My main goal is to create good quality, helpful and engaging content. Dreamers is a great organization, which provides a platform for Helping people and showcasing my skills at the same! i joined this organization because I love helping out people with their issues. I am happy to be a part of this fun and wonderful team!

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Samridhi Gupta


Hey everyone!! My name is Samridhi Gupta. I am currently in highschool. I love creating designs and playing around with colours and adding elements that's why I help making magzines around here. Dreamers has always helped me and supported me in every way possible. I thank them with the bottom of my heart to give a platform to express my art for a good cause. I have really loved to read everyone's articles and such beautifully written and expressed poems . I am looking forward to reading more from you.

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Anshika Saggar


Hey everyone ! My name is Anshika Saggar and I am a sophomore currently . I personally love to help others and that's the reason I am here to volunteer for this non-profit organisation.


Kashish Keshwani


Hello everyone myself kashish keshwani. I am student at maharja agrsain public school. My passion is economic and pyschology. I have been part of several debate competitions. There are some scars that are not visible and can't be treated .sometime the person is right in front of you and we cant see the pain he or she feels.Healing requires help and help requires courage . And If I can be a hope for some people .then why not

Team: Meet the Team
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